OPEN REGISTRATION: CYM offers open registration during the month of July. As funding becomes available, we will be able to accept new CYM families. If you submit a Qualification Request outside of these periods, you will be directed to complete ALL of your application information. Once that is completed, you will be placed on our Partial Member list. You can visit our Partial Member families page to find out more!
Step 1: Qualify for membership*
*Eligible City Youth Matrix member-families have access to these programs, transportation to-and-from programs (if needed), and scholarships for up to 95% of program fees.
Parents/Legal Guardians are solely responsible for providing City Youth Matrix staff with the most current, accurate information for themselves and their participating children. When applying for Membership, you must complete and submit the Parent/Legal Guardian Consent & Waiver Form.
Step 2: Officially apply or update membership here if you qualified in Step 1
If you are already a CYM Member, you may enroll your child in an enrichment program.