Click on a category below to expand the frequently asked questions.

Activity Enrollment +

I am a new CYM Parent Partner, and I want to enroll my child in an activity. What do I do now?

These are the steps:
1) Identify the activity (e.g.: music lessons, soccer, basketball, cooking class, art, etc.)
2) Register your child with the activity partner (e.g.: Let There Be Rock, Code Ninja, Delaplaine, Soldier Fit, Urbana Art Studio, etc.)

a) If the registration is done online, fill out all information except for the payment information
b) If completing registration by phone, inform the activity partner that a CYM representative will call them to pay the activity fees.

3) Immediately go to this link and fill out the CYM Activity Enrollment form. Once the form is completed, hit the submit button.
4) Once the CYM Activity Enrollment form is submitted, CYM will contact the activity partner and make the payment for your child's activity.

a) If completing your registration with the activity partner online, be sure to put your username and password on your CYM Activity Enrollment form so the CYM representative can go online to finish the registration process by paying the fees.
b) If completing registration by phone, be sure to list the activity partner's contact name and number on your CYM Activity Enrollment form so that the CYM representative can pay the fees by phone.

5) Once the CYM Activity Enrollment form has been submitted, you will receive an invoice from the CYM accounting department for your portion of the child's activity enrollment fees.

Can I enroll my child in more than one ongoing activity at a time?

Currently, CYM is set up for only one ongoing activity at a time for each child.

Do you have activities for my child to explore before committing to one?

YES! Please go to the CYM website calendar and attend our monthly workshop offerings.

My child changed their mind and now wants to switch to a different activity. What do I do?

We encourage each child to finish the activity term that they signed up for. If the activity does not have an "end date" (e.g.: music lessons) then the CYM Parent Partner should email CYM and the activity partner to let both parties know that the child will no longer be enrolled in that activity.

Do I still need to fill out a CYM Activity Enrollment form for a new activity?

YES! Every time your child begins a new activity or a new season that has a start and end date, a new CYM Activity Enrollment form must be completely filled out and submitted.

What do I do if I move?

Please contact your activity partner and CYM via email to inform both entities that you will no longer have your child participating in that activity:

Activity Materials and Special Events +

Will CYM purchase materials/supplies/equipment for activities or training at home?

CYM connects the child to the activity and the expert coach at the facility. The coach of each activity partner has specific instructional techniques and curriculum they seek to utilize and follow. Additionally, CYM seeks to maintain the same safety protocols that the coaches in the facilities work hard to maintain. For these reasons CYM does not provide at-home materials that are not normally required within the regular scope of the activity provider.

Waitlisted Families +

Can I get transportation to the CYM events?

Waitlisted families will not be provided with transportation services to any events.

Can I attend CYM sponsored events?

Yes! Waitlisted families will be invited to CYM sponsored events such as our family empowerment dinners, monthly workshops, monthly hikes, and 4-week workshop sessions.

When will I be able to become an active member?

Our registration opens in July, but we invite waitlisted families to become active members as funding becomes available to support them.

Can I get financial support for my child/children’s activities such as gymnastics classes or karate?

Waitlisted families will not be provided with financial support for their ongoing activities.

Does it matter if I attend the CYM sponsored events?

Yes! We encourage waitlisted families to participate in as many CYM sponsored events as they can. Part of the selection process when becoming an active member will be influenced by your participation in our CYM programming. Your activity attendance helps us recognize your commitment to becoming an active member.

Public Videos +

What is the purpose of these videos?

To watch and enjoy.

Who can watch these videos?

Anyone and everyone.

What does it cost?

Free! Just click on the video links and watch.

How long are the public videos?

2-5 minutes, view as many times as you want.

Monthly Supplemental Workshops +

What is the primary address of the Workshop?

Trinity United Methodist Church
703 West Patrick Street, Frederick MD 21701

Can my child bring a friend to the monthly workshop?

YES! However, it is important to pre-register for the event so that we know how many people to expect.

Can I give Workshop suggestions/input to anyone?

Yes! Please do! We welcome all suggestions and feedback for consideration. If you would like to make a suggestion or feedback, email us at


Summer Camps +

Will CYM pay for my child to attend summer camp?

CYM will support 1 week of summer camp per child.

Does the summer camp cost have a limit?

CYM will support summer camp costs up to $200 per week.

Can my child attend a general day camp that serves as a summer daycare program?

CYM will support 1 week of summer camp that focuses on a specific area. Examples: painting camp, science camp, basketball camp, aquatics camp, nature camp, karate camp.

Will CYM support 1 week of summer camp in addition to my child’s current ongoing activity (example: Sam takes martial arts and CYM pays his monthly fee and he wants to attend basketball camp for a week in July)?

CYM will only support one (1) activity at a time. CYM will support one (1) week of summer camp but the parent would be responsible for any additional activities during that month. (Example: CYM will support Sam for his 1 week of basketball camp but his parent would be responsible for martial arts during that month).


Transportation +

Am I required to attend and remain at the event during drop off and pickup?

Yes, a parent/guardian is required to be in attendance at the event at all times.

Can CYM drivers transport us to an alternative event or location, or drop us off after the event to a different location?

Under no circumstances does a CYM vehicle provide transportation to any alternative event or location. Families are required to be dropped off at their home residence after the event.

Am I allowed to smoke or vape in the vehicle?

No, smoking or using other smoking related devices is not authorized in a City Youth Matrix insured vehicle.

How do I communicate with the CYM driver if he/she does not speak Spanish?

At this time City Youth Matrix will rely on independent resources or Apps such as Google Translate/Speak & Translate.