REPS N’ SWEAT is hosting a Women’s Self-Defense Seminar, February 22, 2025, 2-4pm

Click HERE to Register


Summer Opportunity for students 4th - 11th grade!

The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program at Fort Detrick brings local students to the cutting-edge world of science at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The program is designed for current 4th through 11th grade students of all academic abilities in the 2024-2025 school calendar. GEMS promises an engaging and exciting hands-on experience.

Students accepted into the program will work with young aspiring scientists and engineers, called Near-Peer Mentors, to complete various engineering challenges and hands on laboratory experiments, which are designed to further students’ understanding of STEM concepts. While at GEMS, students also learn about STEM careers that are available to them and pathways that they can take to achieve their desired future aspirations. Students navigate a curriculum intended for learning, interaction, and enjoyment, designed by local Fort Detrick education specialists and researchers.

Click Below to LEARN more and/or REGISTER

GEMS Program


Tax Season Opportunities. SEE FLYERS BELOW!


Have you signed up for our next Family Empowerment Dinner? Please navigate to the CYM Calendar to register and let us know that you are attending.

We are pleased to share these opportunities with you. We will add community events and giveways as they become available. Check back often! This opportunity is open to active Parent Partners and Waitlist Families.