CYM Creates Enrichment Opportunities Through Education Classes


The Education team is thrilled to have a platform to reach and interact with children for the after school activities that they currently cannot attend due to COVID restrictions. We have expanded our reach in two class categories: extracurricular activity classes and emotional fitness classes. We are grateful to be able to knock down barriers with classes that our community has not seen before! Our Education team has engaged professional educators who offer classes that use the materials found in the Buckets of Hope, through the online platform called Flipgrid. This allows for teachers and students to connect online and share questions and final products.

The following are classes currently offered and to be continued in the future:

PE: Frisbee, jump rope skills, volleyball skills, and other physical activities. 

Art: Drawing with crayons and colored pencils, creating with clay, and watercolors.

Music: Harmonica Bill is teaching various methods of playing the harmonica along with the history of the instrument.  

Our future classes include recorder, glockenspiel and drumming using the sticks and bucket.  We will also be offering classes on emotional fitness, called E-Fit, for the whole family to help identify and deal with the many emotions we all experience. We also offer enrichment workshops and special events for our member families. 

For more information about these opportunities, please go to our website at or email  our Education Department at .  We look forward to serving our children and  families by offering these member classes for your child's extracurricular and enrichment experiences.  



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Buckets of Hope Update