Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a category below to expand the frequently asked questions.

General Questions +

If we are a CYM member family what are the specific steps necessary to enroll my child in an ongoing enrichment program?

Complete and submit the required registration forms from the enrichment partner of your choice. This will be necessary to register your child in classes or team, receive communication, schedules, and next steps from the chosen enrichment organization. Once that process is completed, the next step is to complete and submit the CYM Enrichment Enrollment Form (one for each child in the family). Once the form is received, payment will be made for your child's enrichment activity. After receiving an email from the CYM bookkeeper about what you can afford at this time, you will then Make A Payment for Enrichment Activities and make your payment for your portion of the Enrichment fees.

Can I enroll my child in more than one ongoing enrichment program at a time?

Currently, CYM is set up for only one ongoing enrichment program at a time for each child.

Buckets of Hope Public Videos +

What is the purpose of these videos?

To watch and enjoy.

Who can watch these videos?

Anyone & everyone.

What does it cost?

Free! Just click on the video links and watch.

How long are the public videos?

2-5 minutes, view as many times as you want.

Buckets of Hope CYM Registered Member Classes +

What is the purpose of these classes?

To learn a specific skill.

Who can take these lessons?

CYM Member Families only.

What does it cost?

Free to CYM Member Families only.

How long are the member classes?

5-7 minutes online for 4 weeks.