In The Arena With CYM’s Executive Director Aaron Vetter


What does “The Matrix” mean? 

It seems like many things that seek to divide, get a lot of attention.  At City Youth Matrix we are unapologetic about our desire to unite a community.  We unite for the sake of an at-risk child and their parent/guardian to experience enrichment opportunities just like any other child. We don’t rest until we make these goals and practices actually happen for the 30 families and over 60 children that we serve on an ongoing basis. 

Enrichment providers and experts like Frederick Gymnastics, Let There Be Rock, Urbana Art & Soul, FC Frederick Soccer, YMCA, City and County Parks and Recreation, Skate Frederick, and Delaplaine Center Arts, are just some of the businesses that we have closely partnered with.  We also partner with local businesses like Play it Again Sports for the equipment needs of our athletic minded children, and have mobilized instrumental donations from the Frederick community for our musically interested youth to enjoy. 

We are unapologetic in weaving together all cultures, all industries, all political views, and all faith-based organizations into a common thread, to provide opportunities for those children and families we serve to live life to its fullest.  We have over 75 regularly serving volunteers that hail from a vast array of backgrounds, again, with a united and driven vision. Back to that word, uniting, and The Matrix. 

One of our mottos comes from the great Man in the Arena speech made by President Teddy Roosevelt.  President Roosevelt said in that speech, “the credit belongs to man that is actually in the arena.” We actually unite. We unite like minded experts in a variety of industries and backgrounds, right here in Frederick. 


Two Moms Connect


Community Leaders Share Why They Support City Youth Matrix